Uchino A, Saito N, Okada Y, Inoue K
Carotid-anterior cerebral artery anastomosis on MR angiography: a university hospital-based study.
Neuroradiology 2012; 54:13-18
Uchino A, Saito N, Watadani T, Okada Y, Kozawa E, Nishi N, Mizukoshi W, Inoue K
Nakajima R, Takahashi M.
Vertebral artery variations at the C1-2 level diagnosed by magnetic resonance angiography.
Neuroradiology 2012 54:19-23
Uchino A, Saito N, Okada Y, Kozawa E, Mizukoshi W, Inoue K, Takahashi M
Persistent trigeminal artery and its variants on MR angiography.
Surg Radiol Anat 2012; 34:271-276
Uchino A, Saito N, Okada Y, Kozawa E, Nishi N, Mizukoshi W, Inoue K,Nakajima R, Takahashi M
Fenestration of the intracranial vertebrobasilar system diagnosed by MR angiography.
Neuroradiology 2012; 54:445-450
Nakai K, Kaji T, Uchino A, Kawauchi T, Tamura C, Otani N, Nawashiro H
Congenital external carotid-internal carotid artery anastomosis associated with contralateral non-bifurcating cervical carotid artery.
Neuroradiology 2012; 54:521-523
Uchino A, Saito N, Okada Y, Nakajima R
Duplicate origin and fenestration of the middle cerebral artery on MR angiography.
Surg Radiol Anat 2012; 34:401-404
Uchino A, Saito N, Kurita H, Ishihara S
Persistent trigeminal artery arising from the arterial ring/fenestration of the cavernous segment of the internal carotid artery.
Surg Radiol Anat 2012; 34:651-654
Uchino A, Saito N, Inoue K
Type 2 proatlantal intersegmental artery associated with persistent trigeminal artery diagnosed by MR angiography.
Surg Radiol Anat 2012; 34:773-776
Nakajima R, Uchino A, Saito N, Ishihara S, Kimura F
Extensive cerebellar venous malformation associated with a varix and cavernous malformations: a case report.
Cerebellum 2012; 11:813-815
Deguchi I, Uchino A, Suzuki H, Tanahashi N
Malignant hypertension with reversible brainstem hypertensive encephalopathy and thrombotic microangiopathy.
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2012; 21:915.e17-e20
Fukuoka T, Takeda H, Dembo T, Nagoya H, Kato Y, Deguchi I, Maruyama H, Horiuchi Y, Uchino A, Yamazaki S, Tanahashi N
Clinical review of 37 patients with medullary infarction.
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2012; 21:594-599
Maruyama H, Nagoya H, Kato Y, Deguchi I, Fukuoka T, Ohe Y, Horiuchi Y, Dembo T, Uchino A, Tanahashi N
Spontaneous cervicocephalic arterial dissection with headache and neck pain as the only symptom.
J Headache Pain 2012; 13:247-253
Saito N, Nadgir RN, Nakahira M, Takahashi M, Uchino A, Kimura F, Truong MT, Sakai O
Posttreatment CT and MR imaging in head and neck cancer: what the radiologist needs to know.
Radiographics 2012; 32:1261-1282
Matsuo Y, Kimura F, Inoue K, Ogawa H, Tabata M, Uwabe K, Nishi N, Komiyamam N, Niinami H
Evaluation of perivalvular infectious ventricular pseudoaneurysm by ECG-gated cardiac computed tomography: 2 case reports.
J Thorac Imaging 2012; 27:W165-W167
Tanaka M, Sakai R, Koike R, Komano Y, Nanki T, Sakai F, Sugiyama H, Matsushima H, Kojima T, Ohta S, Ishibe Y, Sawabe T, Ota Y, Ohishi K, Miyazato H, Nonomura Y, Saito K, Tanaka Y, Nagasawa H, Takeuchi T, Nakajima A, Ohtsubo H, Onishi M, Goto Y, Dobashi H, Miyasaka N, Harigai M
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia associated with etanercept treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a retrospective review of 15 cases and analysis of risk factors.
Mod Rheumatol 2012; 22:849-858
Homma S, Azuma A, Taniguchi H, Ogura T, Mochiduki Y, Sugiyama Y, Nakata K, Yoshimura K, Takeuchi M, Kudoh S; Japan NAC Clinical Study Group.(Kudoh S, Azuma A, Homma S, Taniguchi H, Ogura T, Mochizuki Y, Sugiyama Y, Nakata K, Munakata M, Nukiwa T, Ishii Y, Yoshimura K, Oritsu M, Yoshizawa Y, Takizawa H, Ohta K, Suzuki E, Chida K, Inoue Y, Kohno N, Nishioka Y, Hamada H, Kohno S, Suga M, Taguchi Y, Noma S, Takahashi H, Kanazawa M, Sakai F, Tomii K, Tomioka Y, Takeuchi M)
Efficacy of inhaled N-acetylcysteine monotherapy in patients with early stage idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Respirology 2012; 17:467-477
Kawabata Y, Takemura T, Hebisawa A, Sugita Y, Ogura T, Nagai S, Sakai F, Kanauchi T, Colby TV; Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia Study Group
Desquamative interstitial pneumonia may progress to lung fibrosis as characterized radiologically.
Respirology 2012; 17:1214-1221
Mori S, Tokuda H, Sakai F, Johkoh T, Mimori A, Nishimoto N, Tasaka S, Hatta K, Matsushima H, Kaise S, Kaneko A, Makino S, Minota S, Yamada T, Akagawa S, Kurashima A; NTM-BIORA (NTM infection in Biologic-treated RA patients) Study Investigators
Radiological features and therapeutic responses of pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacterial disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients receiving biological agents: a retrospective multicenter study in Japan.
Mod Rheumatol 2012; 22:727-737
Iwasawa T, Ogura T, Sakai F, Kanauchi T, Komagata T, Baba T, Gotoh T, Morita S, Yazawa T, Inoue T
CT analysis of the effect of pirfenidone in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
Eur J Radiol 2012 Mar 30. [Epub ahead of print]
Sakai F, Johkoh T, Kusumoto M, Arakawa H, Takahashi M
Drug-induced interstitial lung disease in molecular targeted therapies: high-resolution CT findings.
Int J Clin Oncol 2012; 17:542-550
Watanabe K, Sakai R, Koike R, Sakai F, Sugiyama H, Tanaka M, Komano Y, Akiyama Y, Mimura T, Kaneko M, Tokuda H, Iso T, Motegi M, Ikeda K, Nakajima H, Taki H, Kubota T, Kodama H, Sugii S, Kuroiwa T, Nawata Y, Shiozawa K, Ogata A, Sawada S, Matsukawa Y, Okazaki T, Mukai M, Iwahashi M, Saito K, Tanaka Y, Nanki T, Miyasaka N, Harigai M
Clinical characteristics and risk factors for Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving adalimumab: a retrospective review and case-control study of 17 patients.
Mod Rheumatol 2012 Dec 5 [Epub ahead of print]
Inoue T, Kozawa E, Okada H, Suzuki H
Is there no future for renal BOLD-MRI?
Kidney Int 2012; 82:934
Kozawa E, Inoue K, Iwasa N, Fujiwara K, Yasuda M, Tanaka J, Kimura F
MR imaging of polypoid endometriosis of the ovary.
Magn Reson Med Sci 2012; 11:201-204
Katoh T, Yasuda M, Hasegawa K, Kozawa E, Maniwa J, Sasano H
Estrogen-producing endometrioid adenocarcinoma resembling sex cord-stromal tumor of the ovary: a review of four postmenopausal cases.
Diagn Pathol 2012; 7:164
出口一郎,内野 晃,根本 学,棚橋紀夫
日救急医会誌 2012; 23:1-11
Sarcoidosis News 2012; 53:1-2
画像診断 2012; 32:202-208
呼吸器内科 2012; 21:254-262
呼吸器内科 2012; 21:283-289
循環器科医はどこまで胸部単純写真を読むべきか ―胸部単純写真読影のポイント,CTに回すポイント―.
Heart View 2012; 16:232-240
胸部感染症 ―健常者(抗酸菌感染症以外).
臨床画像 2012; 4月増刊号,p.158-165
呼吸器内科 2012; 12:322-329
医学のあゆみ,2012; 241:891-896
臨床画像,2012; 28:1220-1227
呼吸器科医が知っておくと役立つ肺外病変の画像診断: 腹部に偶然発見される腫瘤性病変の扱い.
日本胸部臨床 2012; 71:684-692
齋藤尚子、内野 晃
呼吸器科医が知っておくと役立つ肺外疾患の画像診断: 脳転移に類似する脳転移以外の疾患.
日本胸部臨床 2012; 71:794-804
呼吸器科医が知っておくと役立つ肺外病変の画像診断: 肺に異常陰影を形成する全身疾患.
日本胸部臨床 2012; 71:902-912
Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) の画像所見.
呼吸器内科 2012; 22:231-235
齋藤尚子,酒井 修
本音で語る画像による鑑別診断のコツ: 甲状腺腫の質的(良悪性)診断は,画像でどこまで可能か?
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本音で語る画像による鑑別診断のコツ: 胸郭内神経原性腫瘍はどこまで画像で診断可能か?
日本胸部臨床 2012; 71:1106-1114
齋藤尚子,酒井 修
非腫瘍性気道病変のすべて. 4.気道病変の画像. 1) 上気道病変の画像.
日本胸部臨床 2012; 71:S61-S66
画像診断 2012; 32:1476-1484
Cmbined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) の画像所見.
日本胸部臨床 2012; 71:.1203-1210
酒井文和,野間恵之,審良正則,上甲 剛,藤本公則,井上義一,村山貞之,杉山幸比古
日呼吸誌 2012; 1:537-540
酒井文和,上甲 剛,渡谷岳行,野間恵之,審良正則,藤本公則
平成23年度びまん性肺疾患調査研究班報告書.2012. p.87-90
酒井文和,上甲 剛,福田 悠,野間恵之,審良正則,藤本公則
平成23年度びまん性肺疾患調査研究班報告書.2012. p.207-210
酒井文和,上甲 剛,冨永循哉,野間恵之,審良正則,藤本公則
平成23年度びまん性肺疾患調査研究班報告書.2012. p.211-213
第4章 検査:胸部エックス線検査,CT検査. 金沢 実,永田 真,前野敏孝(編)呼吸器病学.
丸善出版,2012. p.38-68.
胸部CTの読み方. 滝澤 始(編)間質性肺炎を究める.
メジカルビュー社,2012. p.31-37
日本呼吸器学会薬剤性肺障害の診断・治療手引き作成委員会(吾妻安良太,金沢 実,亀田秀人,楠本昌彦,久保恵嗣,弦間昭彦,西條康夫,酒井文和,杉山幸比古,巽浩一郎,土肥 賢,徳田 均,橋本 修,服部 登,花岡正幸,福田 悠)
知っておくと役に立つまれな呼吸器関連疾患 ケースファイル50.
心CT 12. 心筋症をMDCTで診る.
文光堂, 2012.
2.心筋症における心臓CTの有用性―心筋脂肪と線維化から考えてみる― 3)心筋脂肪化で特に気をつけたい疾患 ―不整脈源性右室心筋症―. 木村文子(編) 心CT 12. 心筋症をMDCTで診る.
文光堂, 2012. p.47-52
2.心筋症における心臓CTの有用性―心筋脂肪と線維化から考えてみる― 2)心臓CTで心筋脂肪が認められる病態と鑑別診断. 木村文子(編) 心CT 12. 心筋症をMDCTで診る.
文光堂, 2012. p40-46
齋藤尚子,酒井 修
頸部嚢胞性・嚢胞様病変. 尾尻博也、酒井 修(編)頭頸部のCT・MRI(第2版)
メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル,2012. p.619-654
Kozawa E, Inoue T, Inoue K, Suzuki H, Tanaka J
Blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) MRI of diabetic nephropathy.
ISMRM 20th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, SMRT 21st Annual Meeting (2012.5, Melbourne)
Yamamoto H, Ogura T, Hebisawa A, Sakai F, et al.
Clinico-radiologic pathologic features of lung involvement of IgG4-related disease.
American Thoracic Society International Conference 2012 (2012.6, San Francisco)
Uchino A, Saito N, Mizukoshi W, Okada Y
Anomalous origin of the occipital artery diagnosed by magnetic resonance angiography.
8th Asian Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology (2012.8, Bangkok)
Uchino A, Saito N, Watadani T
Congenital external carotid-internal carotid artery anastomosis diagnosed by MR angiography.
8th Asian Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology (2012.8, Bangkok)
Uchino A
Bilateral persistent trigeminal artery variants diagnosed by MR angiography.
8th Asian Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology (2012.8, Bangkok)
Uchino A, Saito N, Okada Y, Kozawa E, Nishi N, Mizukoshi W, Inoue K, Nakajima R, Takahashi M
Persistent hypoglossal artery and its variants diagnosed by CT and MR angiography.
36th European Society of Neuroradiology (2012.9, Edinburgh)
Mizukoshi W, Kozawa E, Saito N, Nishi N, Saeki T, Kimura F
Effect of contrast agent on choline peak of 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the breast at 1.5 Tesla: is there significant difference between nonionic neutral and negatively charged ionic contrast agents?
98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (2012.11, Chicago)
Okada Y, Nishi N, Kozawa E, Togawa O, Yamaguchi H, Kimura F, Takahashi M, Inoue K, Tanaka J
Benign non-tumorous disorders mimicking pancretobiliary malignancy: a radiologic approach to differential diagnosis.
98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (2012.11, Chicago)