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Bilateral carotid-anterior cerebral artery anastomosis associated with bilateral ophthalmic arteries arising from the anastomotic arteries diagnosed by magnetic resonance angiography: a case report.
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Uchino A, Suzuki C
Variant of a persistent hypoglossal artery supplying only the posterior inferior cerebellar artery diagnosed by magnetic resonance angiography: a case report.
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Uchino A, Suzuki C
Variant of a persistent hypoglossal artery supplying only the posterior inferior cerebellar artery diagnosed by magnetic resonance angiography: a case report.
The 12th Asian-Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology (AOCNR). (2018.3, Taipei)
Uchino A, Yoshiba S
Five cerebral arterial variations associated with tetralogy of Fallot: a case report.
41st European Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting. (2018.9, Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Ozawa M, Sano K, Morisaka H, Okada Y, Gonoi W, Ichikawa T
Minimal requirements for the image findings and management of pancreatic trauma: what should we know?
104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). (2018.11, Chicago)
Sano K, Morisaka H, Saito N, Matsuura K, Ozawa M, Okada Y, Ichikawa T
Pitfalls in hepatobiliary and pancreatic imaging: tumor or not tumor?
104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). (2018.11, Chicago)
Yamaguchi H, Sano K, Morisaka H, Okada Y, Ichikawa T
Drug-Induced injuries in the hepatobiliary and pancreas: common and uncommon findings, prognosis, and pitfalls: what radiologists should know.
104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). (2018.11, Chicago)
Saito N, Masaki C, Sakai O, Uchino A, Ichikawa T
Updates of anaplastic thyroid cancer: diagnosis, molecular genetics, and treatment.
104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). (2018.11, Chicago)
Tsuchihashi S. Kozawa E, Hara Y, Haraikawa M, Osawa I, Inoue K, Takaya I, Hasegawa K, Yano M, Yasuda M, Ichikawa T, Niitsu M
Tumor and tumor-Like ovarian lesions: uncommon imaging findings and rare pathological entities.
104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). (2018.11, Chicago)
Hasegawa M, Sakai F
Correlation Between the genomic abnormalities and CT features of lung adenocarcinoma,
104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). (2018.11, Chicago)
Johkoh T, Sakai F, Hatabu H, Inoue Y, Fukuoka J, Tomiyama N
Let me show you real radiological findings of drug iduced lung diseases.
104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). (2018.11, Chicago)
Staziaki PV, Hiyama T, Kuno H, Fujita A, Saito N, Chapman MN, Arasa CA, Jarraya M, Sakai O
Neuro-ophthalmic imaging in cancer patients.
104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). (2018.11, Chicago)
Andreu VC, Sung EK, Fujita A, Saito N, Takumi K, Sakai O
Otosclerosis and differential diagnosis with osseous dysplasias affecting the temporal bone.
104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). (2018.11, Chicago)